UPDATE Islan Nettles Case: Charges Dropped Against Paris Wilson!!


By default the misdemeanor charges were dropped because the Manhattan DA could not support  the claims against Paris Wilson. Islan Nettles death is ruled a homicide and is an open investigation.



Luz’s Daughter Cares Suggestion:

(1) Witnesses MUST come forward!! The Friends of Islan Nettles who were with her that night need to speak up. LGBT organizations need to make sure they are protected if and when they do. Paris Wilson, his friends and family are NOT going to do the right thing. Period.


(2) LGBTQ community, groups and organizations – do not get weary! It is our responsibility to keep this case relevant and alive. Do not stop questioning and do not accept  yet another unsolved Trans Person murder!


(3) Be united and not divided in the quest for Justice. The proof of such are in the numbers that come out and support or lack thereof. Trans People of the community deserve more from us all. At the end of the day, all humans are equal and all deserve equality. The umbrella that covers the LGBQ community often leaves our Trans Family out in the rain.


(4) You are not God. Judge not lest ye be judged! Live & Let Live…


Luz’s Daughter Cares Press Release “Occupy the Courthouse” Justice For Islan Nettles



EMAIL:  Luzs.Daughter.Cares@gmail.com


RE: Luz’s Daughter Cares & LGBT Community Demands Justice in Brutal Transphobic Murder of Islan Nettles

On November 19th, 2013, New York-based activist group, Luz’s Daughter Cares, in collaboration with supporters from LGBT organizations and allies, will protest the NYPD’s negligent investigation of the brutal beating death of transgender woman, Islan Nettles.  New York County District Attorney Cyrus R.Vance, Jr. and New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly also failed to raise the criminal charges against alleged murderer, Paris Wilson, from a misdemeanor to a hate crime. The protest will take place during the second court hearing for Paris Wilson on Tuesday, November 19th in New York City at the Criminal Court on 100 Centre Street.

In Harlem, N.Y., on August 17, 2013, Paris Wilson, accompanied by friends, flirted with Islan Nettles and upon realizing she was transgender, became enraged and began to harass her and her transgender companions with homophobic slurs. Directly across the street from an NYPD station on 148th Street and Frederick Douglas Boulevard, Wilson was seen forcefully punching Miss Nettles until she fell to the pavement, slamming her head on concrete. Wilson was still punching Nettles in the face and head when police arrived (they were notified by one of Nettles’ friends). Police pulled Wilson off of Nettles and Nettles was transported to Harlem Hospital and admitted with severe head trauma. Following a misdemeanor charge of third degree assault, Wilson was immediately released from jail on a mere $2,000 bail. Nettles never regained consciousness and the NYPD took no further action. Sadly, on August 23rd, Islan Nettles was declared brain dead and removed from life support.

Between August 17th and 23rd, authorities failed to take statements from witnesses at the crime scene, nor did they question the friends present with Wilson or Nettles. In the interim, Simone Wilson, mother of Paris Wilson, allegedly coerced a friend of her son to confess to the crime. The said young man ultimately denied the allegations; Simone Wilson was not held accountable for falsifying evidence or hindering the investigation; and police took no action on behalf of Nettles. Finally, on August 23rd, NYPD officers took the time to go to Harlem Hospital to investigate further and question the family and friends of the victim. By then, Miss Nettles was pronounced dead. At Paris Wilson’s October 4th hearing, authorities claimed they did not have enough evidence to proceed, that they were still “vetting” the evidence and that in fact, the alleged suspect was perhaps a victim of mistaken identity.

This protest calls for DA Vance and NYC Police Commissioner Kelly to investigate the precinct and arresting officers initially involved in the arrest of Paris Wilson for failure to immediately and adequately investigate the crime scene, question witnesses, and retain video footage from the ten (10) cameras located in the area. This protest also calls for the charges against Paris Wilson to be upgraded to a hate crime. Further failure to do so sends a message to the public that the lives of Islan Nettles and other transgender individuals do not hold the same value as heterosexual or lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons in our society. Further, the protesters assert that had either the victim or the accused been Caucasian, the investigation would have been thorough from the start, the charges would have been upgraded to a homicide/hate crime, and the bail increased.

Paris Wilson should not be on the streets on a $2,000 bail while Islan Nettles lies in her grave.

See: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/978/907/411/justice-for-islan-nettles/  and    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKLVsckKqXo

Date & Place: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 2:15 P.M. SHARP

NYC Criminal Court – 100 Centre Street, New York, NY

Contact: Twitter @Luzs_D_Cares


Email: luzs.daughter.cares@gmail.com

Tomorrow Islan Nettles alleged murderer “Paris Wilson” is back in court. Join us! Trans Lives Matter!!

We are hearing the DA office may switch the hearing time to 2:15pm. This could be a ploy to confuse the protest!! We change the time and they have the hearing as originally scheduled for 9:00am. Maybe it’s just a change..

They will not throw Us off! If We have to be there from Morning to Afternoon so be it!!! Please be prepared for schedule changes & dress comfortably.



Criminal Court – 100 Centre Street- Between Hogan Place & White Street NYC 10013

Take the “6” or “N”or “R” or “E” train to Canal Street
On Canal Head towards Centre Street
Turn Right down Centre Street for Approx. 2 blocks

Homosexuality still a crime in 38 African countries

On Thursday, charges were brought against five women in Senegal for violating the country’s law prohibiting homosexual acts. According to The Associated Press, one of the women is a member of Women’s Smile, the only lesbian-rights group that currently operates in the country.



ACTION NEEDED!! New York, Stop excluding trans and gender non conforming people from receiving safe and affordable healthcare!

As a transgender woman working in New York City, I’ve never had healthcare coverage that met my basic needs. I’ve had to pay most of my medical expenses out of pocket because most health insurance policies and programs, including New York State Medicaid, specifically exclude transgender people like me from accessing care. This doesn’t have to be the case for other trans and gender non-conforming New Yorkers, especially those who are low-income and qualify for Medicaid.

Petition by Reina Gossett New York, NY


Please SIGN PETITION & share on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. Not 100 Signatures, Lets get 1,000+!!

Thanks for your supporting a “Lotus” Cause!!!


Transgender Day of Remembrance: 238 Trans People, at least, murdered worldwide this year. The actual numbers are feared to be much higher!

238 trans people, at least, murdered worldwide this past year

The Trans Murder Monitoring project has discovered the highest number of murders of trans minors in five years

– See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/238-trans-people-least-murdered-worldwide-past-year151113#sthash.PPXCt92p.dpuf

238 trans people, at least, murdered worldwide this past year

The Trans Murder Monitoring project has discovered the highest number of murders of trans minors in five years

– See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/238-trans-people-least-murdered-worldwide-past-year151113#sthash.PPXCt92p.dpuf

238 trans people, at least, murdered worldwide this past year

The Trans Murder Monitoring project has discovered the highest number of murders of trans minors in five years

– See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/238-trans-people-least-murdered-worldwide-past-year151113#sthash.PPXCt92p.dpuf

At least 238 trans people have been murdered worldwide this past year. – See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/238-trans-people-least-murdered-worldwide-past-year151113#sthash.PPXCt92p.dpuf



Analysis: Arab Spring nations backtrack on women’s rights, poll says

The Brotherhood warned that a U.N. declaration on women’s rights could destroy society by allowing a woman to travel, work and use contraception without her husband’s approval and letting her control family planning.



Female model’s shocking transformation

Elliott Sailors, a female model, is now modeling as a man and posing in menswear.