The Kitty Bella Radio Show discusses the Islan Nettles case from a very different perspective. Go ahead, take it personal.

1618530_10201652134969226_1747043141_nRecently, Luz’s Daughter Cares spoke on a radio show to discuss our very early involvement in the “Justice for Islan Nettles” case. Today however, we’d like to share another such experience with you that is very unique.

Tune in for our 1st invite to discuss the Islan Nettles case by a radio show hosted by a  “Trans Woman about Trans Women”.  It’s the The Kitty Bella Show Online Radio!

We are delighted and honored to be a guest.

Listen as Luz’s Daughter Cares shares one of the appalling disappointments encountered in the quest to keep Trans Women safe during a volunteer project in seeking Justice for Islan Nettles.

Hear it for yourself here:  OUR LIVES MATTER STATE OF EMERGENCY


Let us know if you have any questions or comments!

About Luzs Daughter Cares

Luz's Daughter Cares is a direct action group dedicated to ending discrimination, violence, oppression and injustice against Humanity. We embrace two Symbols of Virtue: (1) The Lotus Flower - Rising and blooming above the murk to achieve enlightenment. (2) The Humanity Flag - Symbolic of kindness, mercy, sympathy and unity for the ENTIRE human race with respect for individuality and no prejudice based on nationality, race/color, creed, gender or religion. Nariko Wright founded Luz's Daughter Cares in loving memory of her mother, "Luz".

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